it's our civic duty.
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Mary Michael Shuff

7th Grade

Kindness is an easily achievable goal. You encounter people every day that you might not agree with, but if you demonstrate civility you can get past the issues and say, “I like this person for who they are not because of what they believe or their opinions on certain matters.”

Alex Moats

4th Grade

If I was having a difficult conversation with another student, I would wait until he was finished speaking and then try to explain my side. If he kept interrupting me, I would say, “Hey can I just finish explaining so you might understand my view?”

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Alexander Pratt

2nd Grade

When I was alone at recess one day, one person that saw me and came over to me and asked me if I wanted to play with them. I ended up having a great day that day because of them. To me, that’s what kindness is.

Ana Dihn


When we are all kind to each other, it’s an understanding that we are, really, all the same. When we extend the courtesy to really listen to someone, and understand where they are coming from, we see past the disagreement and understand them better.

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Blair Collins

7th Grade

When your emotions cloud your judgement, you can say some things that you might regret later. If you’re calm, it doesn’t matter how they’re acting, you’re doing your part in keeping the conversation civil.

Cathleen Lam


Civility to me, is a form of communicating politely and respectfully with each other. Disagreements aren’t always about convincing someone else, it’s about listening to them and really hearing what they are saying without clouding your judgement.

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Charlie Moats


It makes me feel bad if someone is lonely. If someone was being mean to me, I would be kind to them by saying kind words. Then, I would ask them to play with me at recess. If they kept being mean to me, I would take a deep breath.

Deacon Ucherek


We shouldn’t just try to hear another person’s point of view, we should try to understand their point of view. If the conversation being heated, I’ll think, “I may not agree with them, but we’re still human being and we need to be kind to each other.”

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Ethan Cavenaro


Usually, interrupting someone when they are expressing their opinion, causes tension and instability in the conversation. So it’s always good to sit back and listen and really process what they’re saying. This will help you expand how you think and you’ll grow you as a person.


Victoria Pratt


We can be kind to others by sharing. Sharing makes other people feel happy. My teacher is kind to me because she helps me learn. Sometimes I’m not kind when I’m angry because it’s just too hard.

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Zachary Pratt

5th Grade

It’s very hard to be kind to someone you don’t like, but I know we should show kindness to everybody. It good to be kind because it’s like tossing a pebble into water, it ripples out to other people and they’ll show kindness to other people.